New Apple-Derived Treatment Improves Hair Growth Without Side Effects
Japanese researchers have discovered a substance from apples, apple polyphenols or procyanidin B-2, that is effective for regrowing hair. After studying over 1,000 botanical extracts and conducting clinical trials with double-blind studies, the results were quite conclusive.
Of all the substances tested, only two showed positive results. One comes from chardonnay grapes, called proanthocyanidin, and the other from apples, procyanidin B-2. It was this product from apples that was the most effective.
* 78.9% of subjects showed an increase mean value of hair diameter.
* The number of terminal hairs and total hairs was "signficantly increased" compared to the control group.
* The research team concluded that "topical proycanidin B-2 is safe and effective in curing male pattern baldness."
The product has been studied worldwide. One study discovered that procyanidin B-2 nearly doubled the hair growth of minoxidil (Rogaine). The conclusions of another study state, "Procyanidin B-2 shows promise as a cure for male pattern baldness."
More important perhaps is the absence of harmful side effects. In over 80 studies, no side effects have been observed.We've all heard about the benefits of an apple a day, but who knew that apples would also grow hair?
Procyanidin B-2 blocks the production of TGF Beta, a degraded form of DHT. It is actually this TGF Beta that causes the hair follice to shrink and the hair to fall out. TGF Beta is not needed in sexual function. This makes procyanidin B-2 a safe solution for hair loss without the sexual side effects that can occur with other products.
Let 's look at the scientific studies further to better understand what makes procyanidin B-2 so different. The prestigious British Journal of Dermatology concluded that procyanidin B-2 acts to diminish protein kinase C isozymes. These are important in the hair growth cylce.
Your hair follices actually have three cycles: anagen (the active growth phase), telogen (the resting phase), and catagen (the shedding phase). Ideally, you want to prolong the anagen or growth phase and shorten the resting phase. This is was reported in the British Journal of Dermatology. The end result, of course, is increased hair growth.
Up to now the only documented methods to combat hair loss have been minoxidil (Rogaine) and Propecia. Unfortunately, they have a range of unpleasant side effects, including sexual dysfunction. Minoxidil was originally developed as a blood pressure medicine. The product is still absorbed in the body even though applied topically into the scalp.
There are a number of so-called natural treatments, some of which actually contain minoxidil. Unfortunately, many have no proof other than anecdotal claims.
Tsukuba Research Laboratories in Japan conducted a new study that is important. They did a 12 month clinical trial, and several conclusions should be noted.
* No side effects were observed in any subjects.
* After 12 months of use, 71% of the subject showed an increased number of hairs in the designated scalp area relative to pre-trial measurements.
* Procyanidin therapy shows promise as a potential cure for male pattern baldness.
Finally there is an option for those who want a proven substance to grow hair and without side effects.
About the Author
Robert Lansburg has prepared a compilation of the scientific studies about hair growth at