Smoking: The Thoughts Of Smoking

Smoking: The Thoughts Of Smoking

We see the affects of it on television commercials, read about it in magazines, see it on bulletin boards, and even hear it on the radio; yet we still manage to find a place for these disgusting "butts" in our daily lives. The very thing that robs our pockets, threatens to kill us, and forces us in a sense to put a gun to our own head, is the very first thing that we run to when the stresses of life knock at our door. Why do we subject ourselves to this slow death, or in even more dramatic terms, prolonged suicide? It is no secret that for every cigarette we put to our lips, our lifespan is shortened. Many people who have tried to quit smoking, but simply can't. No, it is not their fault that they can't stop; but it is their fault for starting the habit after being warned after how many times?

The majority of us do many things that we know we shouldn't; consciously aware of the affects and consequences, but why? If quitting smoking were as simple as not lighting anymore cigarettes, which it is, then why is it so hard to not light anymore? There are countless stories about people who have finally decided to quit, but can't seem to get past that "very last cigarette." The ones who do make it to finally quitting are then introduced to a new struggle--cravings.

Nicotine is definitely part of the problem to be blamed; but after awhile, the addiction to the Nicotine will subside. Some people experience withdrawal symptoms due to nicotine. Some of these include:

  • Dizziness

  • Depression

  • Anger and Frustration

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Restlessness

  • Irritability

  • Headaches

  • Tiredness

  • Increased appetite and weight gain

    What about the people who have not smoked for quite some time, yet they still can't keep their mind off wanting to smoke? Could there be something deeper than addiction that keeps a person connected to the stick of death? Of course there is!

    A large percentage of people today are stressed to the point where they would rather find ways of not having to deal with their problems, as opposed to tackling them head on. Things such as alcohol and cigarettes are then used as forms of instant stress relief. When a person quits and is use to masking their problems with smoking; a sense of emptiness is most likely felt. Their bodies became dependant on this comfort, and now that it is no longer available, they begin to panic. The problem that most people who quit have is finding a way to fill that void.

    The feeling can be closely related to that of a small child who is suddenly left alone in the middle of a huge city. A person often feels lost and doesn't know where or how to start when it comes to dealing with their now uncovered issues. Say for instance they get into an argument with their girlfriend/boyfriend, what do they have to turn to now? Advertisers are always finding brilliant ways to sell us this disillusioned happiness. They have a way of targeting unsatisfied people who are searching for more in life. "When life buries u deep, have cigarette and forget about it!" It may sound corny, but to some people it may trigger something inside, suggesting why not give it a try.

    There are benefits to quitting and to some it provides a source of inspiration. Some of these benefits are:

  • A persons heart rate and blood pressure drops after 20 minutes of quitting

  • Former smokers live a longer life than continuing smokers

  • Women who stop smoking before pregnancy reduce their risks of having a low birth weight baby to that of women who never smoked.

  • The health benefits of quitting far exceed any worried regarding the ten pounds or less weight gain that follows quitting.

  • Twelve hours after quitting, the carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal.

  • Circulation improves and lung functions increase two weeks to three months after quitting

  • Coughing and shortness of breath decrease one to nine months after quitting

  • The excess risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker 's .

  • Your smoke risk is reduced to that of a non-smoker five to fifteen years after quitting

  • Ten years after quitting, the lung cancer death rate is about half that of a continuing smokers.

  • Fifteen years of quitting, the risk of coronary heart disease is that of a non-smoker 's .

    There are also immediate visible rewards of quitting. It helps to stop the damaging affects of tobacco on a person 's appearance, which include:

  • Premature wrinkling of the skin

  • Bad breath

  • Stained teeth

  • Bad smelling clothes and hair

  • Gum disease

  • Yellow fingernails

    A brave soul is a strong soul.